RI.gov launches updated transparency website

RI.gov Launches Updated Transparency Web Site:
The official Web site of the State of Rhode Island, www.ri.gov, launched an improved transparency online service accessible by the URL, http://www.transparency.ri.gov/ last month. The Web site boasts a search engine that allows citizens to view expenditure data according to budget category, agency, payee, and program. Data is updated on a weekly basis and includes financial details from the Fiscal Years 2010 – 2013.
Currently the search functionality showcases expenditures from 18 Rhode Island State agencies but in the future, the State’s Office of Digital Excellence plans to include more agencies to the list in order to provide better disclosure into the State’s checkbook. The initiative is Open Government Transparency and is available via the URL, http://www.ri.gov/opengovernment/. Since launching at the end of May, the site has already received 1,850 site visits according to Google Analytics.
This search tool was created in a collaborative effort between the newly created State of Rhode Island Office of Digital Excellence and Division of Information Technology as well as the State vendor, Rhode Island Interactive. Rhode Island Interactive has a long-term contract with the State of Rhode Island to develop online applications that include searching for data, completing forms, renewing licenses, and paying taxes. To find out more about other available online services, visit https://www.ri.gov/services/.
About RI.gov
RI.gov (http://www.RI.gov) is Rhode Island’s homepage and official Web site, a collaborative effort between the state of Rhode Island and Rhode Island Interactive. The RI.gov Web site and online services are developed and maintained by Rhode Island Interactive, a Providence-based part of eGovernment firm NIC’s (NASDAQ: EGOV) family of companies.
About NIC
NIC Inc. (NASDAQ: EGOV) is the nation’s leading provider of official government portals, online services, and secure payment processing solutions. The company’s innovative eGovernment services help reduce costs and increase efficiencies for government agencies, citizens, and businesses across the country. NIC provides eGovernment solutions for more than 3,500 federal, state, and local agencies across the United States. Additional information is available at http://www.egov.com.
Nicole Courtemanche, 401-831-8099 x230