- Priorities Podcast
Pennsylvania’s digital services director reflects on six months of progress
On this week’s Priorities podcast, the executive director of Pennsylvania’s digital services team says she’s embracing “the wild ride” of the department’s first six months while prioritizing user experience and design. Bryanna Pardoe, who was hired to lead the Commonwealth Office of Digital Experience, or CODE PA, earlier this year, says the role’s scope is large and brings opportunity for growth. Also on the podcast, Massachusetts Chief Information Officer Jason Snyder says identity and access management will drive his state’s work on digital services. Later, North Carolina CIO Jim Weaver shares how he’s assisting in his state’s broadband expansion.
In the news this week:
The North Texas Municipal Water District was hit with a cyberattack that disrupted its operations, including its phone system. The cybercrime group Daixin Team claimed responsibility and reportedly stole more than 33,000 files containing customer information. The incident didn’t affect core water, wastewater and solid waste services.
Andrea DeLaBruere, commissioner of the Department of Vermont Health Access, was named deputy secretary of Vermont’s Agency of Digital Services. She reports to state CIO Denise Reilly-Hughes.
In a new report, the National Association of State CIOs draws attention to the need for statewide digital accessibility coordinators. As the demand for digital services has grown in recent years, so too has the number of Americans over the age of 16 with at least one disability. That parallel growth emphasizes the need for leaders within state IT agencies to lead digital accessibility efforts, NASCIO says.
StateScoop’s Priorities podcast is available every Thursday. Listen more here.
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