California names Michelle Robinson as new CISO

Michelle Robinson has been appointed as California’s chief information security officer, Governor Jerry Brown announced on Friday.
Robinson has worked in the state’s Office of Information Security since 2007 and served as acting director since February 2013.
“We are very pleased with the Governor’s selection of Michele Robinson to lead OIS”, said Calif. Chief Information Officer Carlos Ramos in a released statement. “Throughout her career, she has taken a pro-active approach to keep California’s information assets safe and built alliances to strengthen its cyber security defense. Her extensive expertise in threat intelligence, compliance policies and incident response will serve California well.”
Robinson previously served as the deputy CISO from 2010 to earlier this year and as assistant CISO from 2007 to 2010. She served as CISO and privacy officer for the California Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board prior to joining OIS.
In those roles, she was in charge of oversight of the board’s compliance with privacy and information security laws as well as implementation of its risk management and information security awareness programs.
She holds a bachelor of science degree in information systems from the University of San Francisco and has a number of professional credentials, including Certified Information Systems Security Professional, Certified Information Security Management, Certified Information Privacy Professional/United States and Certified Information Privacy Professional/Information Technology.
OIS is California’s primary government authority responsible for ensuring the protection of state information, as well as the confidentiality, integrity and availability of systems and applications, and represents the state to federal, state and local government entities, higher education, private industry and others on security-related matters.