New website showcases California’s $180B infrastructure plans for next decade

Through a new website launched Tuesday, Californians can now track how billions of dollars in state and federal infrastructure investments are being spent, with the aim of solving some of the state’s toughest challenges, including climate change, economic equity and jobs.
The new website, will follow where the money goes, highlight individual projects, and what they mean for California communities. California plans to invest $180 billion in infrastructure projects over the next decade. Users of the new website can see the state’s plans to build a new system of clean energy, repair the state’s roads, bridges and public transit, expand high-speed internet and grow the economy.
“California is building more, faster, for all – and creating thousands of good-paying jobs in the process,” California Gov. Gavin Newsom said in a press release announcing the new site.
The new website follows legislation Newsom signed last summer to accelerate critical infrastructure projects across California, including the construction of a 100% clean-energy electric grid, strengthening the state’s water resiliency, boosting the water supply and modernizing transportation system.
“This goes far beyond roads and bridges – this is about investing in our communities and our families, giving opportunity to hard-working Californians and ensuring we deliver on our world-leading climate goals,” Newsom said.
Last May, the governor signed an executive order that established an “infrastructure strike team” tasked with implementing a strategy to fast-track infrastructure projects and remove barriers to project development, an infamous problem throughout the Golden State.