Ed Toner, Nebraska CIO

To ensure we make our statewide services easily accessible we are focusing on the creation of a “no wrong door” digital portal essential to ensure easy access and value for Nebraska taxpayers. Each agency has made much progress over the past few years in offering digital services, but we need to optimize the siloed agency services by combining them via a single portal. We are beginning with the Department of Health and Human Services with a project named iServe. Our goal is to expand this same approach and single entry point to services across all of state government.
IServe Nebraska is a convenient new way for Nebraskans to apply to get help with food, heat, electricity, healthcare, childcare and other essential needs. Nebraskans can apply for a single benefit, or several at the same time. We provide an opportunity for Nebraskans to easily explore benefits they may qualify for with a completely anonymous questionnaire, which takes less than 3 minutes, by simply clicking on the “start questionnaire” button on the iServe site.