Missouri Department of Revenue’s DORA (Department Of Revenue Answers) chabot provides answers 24/7 to common questions from residents.

State IT Innovation of the Year
Missouri Department of Revenue’s DORA (Department Of Revenue Answers) chabot provides answers 24/7 to common questions from residents with information from the state’s Taxation, Driver License, and Motor Vehicle Bureaus. In its first five months of operation, DORA received 380,004 messages in 115,214 chat sessions. It has now had nearly 2 million citizen chat sessions. On average DORA provides a helpful answer to 89 percent of inquiries. Since implementation, the team has added more than 350 new questions/answers and more than 15,600 alternate training questions to DORA. Citizens can also connect with DORA through Facebook, a SMS/text channel, text to speech, speech to text and a Google Maps integration.