Baltimore expands city’s free, public Wi-Fi network

Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott announced Monday that the city’s free, public Wi-Fi network will expand to reach recreation centers — like Middle Branch’s Fitness and Wellness Center, where the announcement was made — as part of larger plans to bridge the city’s digital divide.
Baltimore’s Wi-Fi network is set to expand to more neighborhoods and senior centers, CBS reported.
The recent expansion is part of a larger, citywide digital inclusion initiative, set to span from 2024 to 2029. Incorporating reliable, high-speed internet is one of the four goals in the plan to help residents and businesses access technology and information on proper use.
“Digital equity is not just about technology, it’s also about social equity and closing the digital divide is one of the biggest civil rights issues of our lifetimes,” Scott said in a press release. “My administration is committed to providing opportunities for all residents, regardless of their background or resources to get access and to secure the skills they need to thrive in a digital world. This strategy will be a catalyst for creating a more inclusive, prosperous, and digitally connected Baltimore.”
According to the city’s strategic plan, it will expand its fiber optic network to reach public spaces and pedestrian pathways in low-income neighborhoods.
Kenya Asli, Baltimore’s director of broadband and digital equity, said the strategy aims to enhance the life of residents and make the city “more competitive and resilient.” The initiative will also allow more Baltimore residents access to modern devices, digital skills training and technical support in multiple languages, according to the city.